Friday, February 3, 2012

The dreaded call from the school......

Ok, after much deliberation, I've decided to Go ahead and blog about Kale (my 11yr old, but was 10 at the time this took place) and a little "altercation" at school...normally I wouldn't, but this one will be the exception.

The phone rings. I assume it's one of my forgetful children needing me to bring them their unfinished homework. Not so much. It's the principle. First words out of his mouth..."Mrs. McCracken, I'm calling about Kale." (I quietly, to myself, bow my head and ask the Lord for more patience and for more will power to not cause him bodily harm...). He proceeds to tell me that he has had some boys in his office that morning for mistreating some girls at school. (oh Lord, help me....cuz I'm gonna KILL HIM!). My only reply at that point was..."you have got to be kidding me!"...he stops me and says "it wasn't Kale". (WHEW, he WILL live to see another day). He then goes on to tell me that he had to remove Kale from a "relationship". (I'm not gonna lie...I cracked up at this point.) Evidently, Kale was "going out" with a girl in his class and there were other girls in the class that said that they like him more. (again, I LOL'd -as did the principle). The principle went on about how he got to the bottom of it and that he was proud of Kale because he was the one that was sticking up for the girls. (there were other boys in the class that were calling the girls bad names). The principle told me he was impressed with the way Kale handled the situation and felt he should call me and let me know that Kale had been in the office that day but that all was well. I thanked him for calling and that was it.

Kale walks in the door. As he's having a snack I asked him how his day was. He replies "fine". (wow, typical male...) I, unsatisfied with his response, asked him..."what happened in the principles office today Kale"? His eyes were as big as silver dollars, and the look on his face was screaming "how did you know"? As he tried so hard to explain, he finally gave up. He looked so defeated. I could tell he was confused about the happenings that morning. And in the saddest voice ever, he says: "I don't know!...the principle said I was caught in the middle of a Love Triangle?? And Mom, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! Followed by silence....
Oh heart melted. I died and went to heaven that exact moment. It was the cutest, funniest thing ever to come out of his mouth, yet at the same time I felt so bad for him. Lol.
We had a small heart to heart that day. The just of it was this. He now knows what a love triangle is...I explained it, in detail. He won't date until he's old enough to drive and that he's only dating girls from church. Lol, gotta give it to him...that's a decent place to start. Lol.

I called Kevin in hysterical laughter and told him the whole story. (after Kale went outside to play of course ;)

Kevin comes home. "Kale, what's this I hear about a love triangle"?
Kale, without skipping a beat, replies: "ummm....more like a Love was between me and 3 girls".
SERIOUSLY....Kevin and I laughed FOREVER! We still crack up when we talk about it.

Kids are awesome! They can make the cruddiset day awesome in a matter of minutes.